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Tuesday 17 January 2017


Where have our values gone??? And this question has always been bugging me since couple of years. Why are modern kids the way they are? Is it the modern life with modern gadgets?? Is it too much stress?? Lack of time?? Working parents? Competition?? What could be the reason for these kids to be walking around as mini Devils with foul language, selfish natures, disrespect and me first attitude??

I would like to share an incident I witnessed recently. At an underground parking lot in one of the malls, I was waiting to take the space of a car which was about to pull out and leave. My car blinkers were clearly indicating that I was waiting for that slot …but to my surprise, the moment the space was empty, and I was about to accelerate to take that space, another high end car with loud blaring music drove past me and quickly grabbed that space. I rolled down my window and told them politely that I had been waiting for that space patiently and could they please find another spot?? Out came a teenage couple , and the boy showed me the middle finger saying _ _ yours!! Gosh, I was stunned… They appeared to be from a good family. Why were they behaving so disrespectfully?? Where did they pick up that horrible abuse from?? I held myself back from yelling. Who would want to be bombarded with choicest of abuses? To treat a person with respect is to acknowledge and preserve their human dignity. To treat a person with disrespect is to attack their human dignity.

Got me thinking, what’s happening to our modern generation?? Why do they disrespect people?? What in the world have we done to our kids? It appears that they are unprepared to deal with the real world. They are undisciplined, disrespectful, and disobedient to their parents, selfish, self-centered, and completely addicted to the gadget world.

A beautiful saying goes: "Before you go and criticize the younger generation, just remember who raised them." - Kids have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. They are like mirrors and reflect back to us everything we say and do. Human brain is like a tape recorder. Every experience is permanently recorded in our subconscious.. What we speak and how we behave is what we teach.

Children record every behavior and word we ever say in front of them. The language children grow up hearing is the language they will speak, the gestures we use become their gestures. Children imitate what we do. If we expect children to have manners, to be honest, kind, respectful, we must do and be those things in front of them so they will have that model to imitate.

When children live with disrespect, they learn disrespect. We can teach respect only by treating each other with respect and by giving children the same respect we expect. Even if we do not display the disrespectful behavior, there are many things we do and say to children, of which we aren't even aware that they are disrespectful.

When a child behaves in a way that we don't like, we must ask ourselves, "Am I displaying that behavior?" If your answer is, "No," then something else is causing the behavior and you need to find help. Learn to train yourselves to think before you speak in front of children, by remembering that everything we say will be recorded and imitated. Avoid abusive language, gestures, yelling, shouting and putting people down. Law of karma- “what goes around, comes around” and here, its coming right back to u from your own kids.

How we treat them and how we treat others in front of them is what we teach them. Once your little mini-me starts interacting with the public, you become an open book. You might want to start changing how it reads…..

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