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Wednesday 8 January 2020

The Perfect Body Language at an Interview

Not known to many, yet only a mere 10% of communication comes from the words we actually speak. The maximum amount of communication is mainly carried out through our body language and how we hold and conduct our bodies. Studying or reading up more on the concept and interpretation of body language will make you understand the various signs and signals you give away by the postures you sink into.  For instance: On slouching and keeping your arms crossed, you tend to come across as defensive and uninterested. Instead, sitting up straight and leaning slightly forward depicts that you're alert and attentive.
Work towards a positive body language: Not to say that by sitting upright and smiling with confidence, you can just recite a nursery rhyme and score the job. You do need to go through the stringent question- answer round anyway, but if you can master a few simple positive body postures,  it'll help you distract your interviewer from the odd answer you could splatter at any time throughout the course.

The body language one should avoid:
- While waiting at the reception for your interviewer to call you in, avoid sitting with your feet crossed and hands rested on the back of your head. This clearly signals the 'Am I bothered?' attitude with a foolish tint of arrogance.
- Cut out sitting comfortably from your list too. Having you lounging around in the reception will show that you're too relaxed and unconcerned about the interview.
- Clutching tightly to your file and handbag can suggest a nerve- wrecked candidate.
Showing how tensed you are, displays your poor confidence and you wouldn't want that, would you?
-Also, as mentioned before, avoid crossing your arms and sitting; it is usually interpreted as defensive.
-Mind moving your feet up and down in a repetitive manner. It often comes across as bare boredom,
even if you don't mean it to be.
- Make sure to not keep touching your face or hair while speaking to your interviewer. It happens to
suggest that you're lying, even if that is not the case.
The body language one should portray:
- Make sure you depict confidence in what you're talking about. You could touch your fingertips to
convey authority.
- Don't keep your gestures completely inexpressive; instead, keep the interviewer involved by keeping the conversation alive with your gestures.
- Keep your palms up and open to suggest honesty, and avoid pointing a finger or banging your fists on the table to emphasize on a point.
- If you're good with subtlety, you could imitate your interviewer's positive behavior as well. However,remember to keep it subtle or it is likely to cause an alarm.

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