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Wednesday 8 January 2020

Process For Job Grading

First prepare organizational chart with all division and sections to determine the location of the job positions and appropriate weightage in the organization, as part of their workforce planning processes.
The accepted job grading methodology by using the factors assessing a job is: Complexity, Decisions, Relationships, Experience, Skills and Supervision.

Work volume is not a consideration in the Job Grading process.

Then work out the annual salary budget for deciding the compensation philosophy and strategy of the organization. You must have some market data for comparison with market salary for various jobs positions in your organization. Distribute logical weightages to each job by adopting ranking method because number of jobs are 60 therefore ranking method is best in your case. In other words rank all jobs as per the importance to your organization or merit and place them into level as grade and fix salary range as band for pay progression with experience and qualification.

For your understanding apply following principle:
1. Nature of Job= Pay Bands for technical, non technical, kind of classification.
2. Level of Job = Grading

a. Organizational Chart outlining the position of the post and its relationship to other posts in the
organizational unit
b Job Analysis
c Job description
d. Job Evaluation

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